Friday, March 24, 2006

The Shwarma Place on Bograshov and Ben Yahuda

In Tel Aviv, as in other places in Israel, everyone is constantly stuffing ther faces. Dominating the junction of Bograshov and Ben Yehuda is a place that ticks all of the Shwarma lovers boxes. They don't just sell one type of Shwarma either, you can choose from the Holy Trinity of lamb, turkey or chicken and either eat in or take your prize and devour it while you make your way.

Take as much salad as you want, as long as it will fit on the tiny salad plate that you are given. Enjoy your Shwarma by the plateful, the pita breadful or in a wrap. The wrap will contain enough meat to feed a small but hungry family.

Also offers a choice of sauces, from mild through to hot chilli sauce, to minty, yoghurty sauces.

Highly recommended.

Corner of Bograshov and Ben Yahuda


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